Natalie Ledesma, MS, RDN, CSO, CLT

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Seasonal Produce - is it worth it?

It is common knowledge to know that consuming fruits and vegetables year round is essential to maintain optimal nutrition. However, the timing of when to consume certain fruits and vegetables is equally as important. There is a reason why watermelon is a favorite during the summer and why cranberries are popular during Thanksgiving! They are at their most nutritious  and taste peak when grown during their preferred season. Growing produce outside of their natural season leads to the increased use of chemicals such as pesticides and other substances. These chemicals negatively impact our environment, pocketbook, and health. Pesticides contaminate our soil and water which ultimately can affect the livelihood of all living organisms. Farmers with long term exposure to pesticides are in jeopardy for health risk including immunotoxicity. It’s also quite expensive to grow and purchase non seasonal produce. Furthermore, we will highlight different fruits and vegetables and list when to consume/grow them. 
Craving mangos and watermelon during the months of winter is completely normal. However the quality of taste and price are surely not the same at this time of year. The value and taste of the produce changes due to the use of chemicals, such as pesticides. In this study, Bangladesh farmers grew tomatoes during the off-season which led to an increase in pesticide use of about 53-58%. Although this study was conducted outside the U.S., it can be safely assumed that a similar situation occurs here as well. In fact, the overuse of pesticides has been linked to various diseases including Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The Environmental Working Group posts their ‘Dirty 12’ and ‘Clean 15’ every year. The ‘Dirty12’ refers to the 12 produce items with the most exposure to pesticides. The ‘Clean 15’ informs you of the 15 produce items with least exposure to pesticides.
Having a green thumb is not necessary to grow your own food, you only need effort! Creating your own garden of produce reduces the amount of pesticides and other chemicals that are exposed to our planet. It also ensures that your food is grown organically. What does organic foods mean? It signifies that the soil and water used has not been contaminated by chemicals, reduces pollution, fair treatment of livestock, and prioritizes self-sustaining resources. Research also suggests that organic produce is higher in antioxidants concentration amongst other things. Antioxidants assist the immune system and overall body function to help prevent illness and diseases. Choosing to grow and/or buy seasonal fruits is more affordable. Buying off-season produce is more expensive because a greater amount of resources are required in order to grow them. 


Seasonal Fruits + Vegetables 
Below are a few vegetables and fruits that are in season according to each month. To learn more about seasonal produce during different months of the year, please click this link.
Fruits: Apple, Avocados, Bananas, Grapefruit, and Kiwifruit
Vegetables: Beets, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, and Celery
Fruits: Lemons, Limes, Pineapples, and Strawberries
Vegetables: Collard Greens, Garlic, Lettuce, Mushrooms, and Onions
Fruits: Blackberries, Blueberries, Cantaloupe, Cherries, and Cucumbers
Vegetables: Bell peppers, Corn, Eggplant, Garlic, Green Beans
Fruits: Grapes, Mangos, Pears, Pumpkin, and Raspberries
Vegetables: Beets, Cauliflower, Ginger, Kale, Parsnips, and Potatoes

Most local farmers markets prioritize selling seasonal produce because it’s cost effective for local farmers; these markets support our local economy. Not all produce sold at local farmers markets is grown organically, so keep an eye out for organic labels on produce! Another way to opt for seasonal produce is by freezing them! This allows you to enjoy your favorite fruits and vegetables during their off-season! 

Incorporating a variety of produce into your diet is fantastic! Opt for seasonal produce and you add even more therapeutic benefits! Seasonal produce is not only in its most peak form taste and nutrition-wise, but also environmentally friendly and more affordable! Whether you're growing your own produce or shopping at your local farmers market, remember what might be in season to secure the highest quality produce!

Wishing you all a happy and fruitful Spring.

Be well,