Organic Foods - Are they worth it?

Organic Foods - Are they worth it?

Let's discuss. While we each may have our own (possibly strong) opinion on this topic, my goal is to present what we know from the scientific literature. And I'll be honest, we need more research. That said, independent studies have reported that various pesticides are linked with a host of health problems, including brain and nervous system toxicity, cancer, and hormone disruption.

Summer Grilling & Genotoxins: How to Make your Food Safer

Summer Grilling & Genotoxins: How to Make your Food Safer

Longer days and warmer weather have arrived – a time when we see outdoor grilling and BBQs as a summertime staple for preparing meals. This transition does, however, present some potential health challenges. Open flames of gas and charcoal can induce polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in cooked meat. PAHs, a group of highly hydrophobic and organic compounds are ubiquitous in the environment. PAHs are harmful to human health, and a number of them are carcinogenic, mutagenic, and genotoxic.

Vitamin D - could it really help lower our risk of COVID-19? Lessen the likelihood that we find ourselves in the ICU?

Vitamin D - could it really help lower our risk of COVID-19? Lessen the likelihood that we find ourselves in the ICU?

Nearly four months into sheltering-in-place and the risk of COVID-19 remains of high concern. I mentioned vitamin D in my February email and I find that it continues to be discussed and now researched as to how it may influence COVID-19. I thought it would be prudent to share more on this topic.