Natalie Ledesma, MS, RDN, CSO, CLT

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Metabolic Detoxification

A new year is always a good time to discuss detoxification. And I’m not referring to living on lemon juice and cayenne pepper, but a full system’s reboot -- a detox plan that is well-balanced, healthy, and delicious. And therapeutic in improving your energy, restoring gut function, balancing your hormones, and more. Why? I likely don’t need to really answer that, but after all of 2021’s happenings and the holiday craziness, are you feeling your absolute best?

Research suggests that 92% of Americans have detectable levels of pesticides in their urine and blood. Approximately 70% of US produce harbors traces of pesticides. And the World Health Organization estimates that 24% of diseases are caused by environmental exposures.

Toxins are ubiquitous – they’re everywhere unfortunately. They are in our food, air and water. They are in our pillows, our shampoo, and our pots & pans. When the body is burdened with toxins, the toxins slow down cellular function. Hence, you may experience brain fog because your brain is not properly firing. Or, you may find yourself gaining weight despite not eating more calories. Don’t fret though, there are actionable steps you can take to reduce your toxic burden and help support your body with detoxification.

Daily Detox Strategies

  • Eat a plant-based diet that is high in fiber

  • Consume organic foods

  • Eat greens. Lots of them. And green juices too.

  • Drink clean, filtered water

  • Start your day with lemon or apple cider vinegar water

  • Engage in regular physical activity

  • Ensure regular bowel movements

  • Use infrared saunas

  • Get outside for fresh air and sunshine

  • Consider intermittent fasting

  • Sleep – allows time for the brain to do housecleaning

If you’re looking to start off 2022 with a nutrition reboot, I’m hosting a complimentary webinar next week and also a 4-week interactive online course.

Thur 1/13 Free Webinar 12pm PST - Metabolic Detoxification: A Primer

Click HERE to sign up.

Sure-Fire Strategies to Optimize your Health - Start off 2022 with a Nutrition Reboot

Re-energize your body and mind with this 4-week interactive online course. Improve your energy, identify & reduce food triggers, decrease sugar cravings, reset a compromised metabolism, balance hormone metabolism, and/or enhance cognitive function & mood. Join me and focus on your health as we head into a new year.

Wed 1/19 12pm PST - Detoxification & Food Guide

Wed 1/26 12pm PST - Gut Health & the Microbiome

Wed 2/2 12pm PST - Liver Detoxification & Hormone Balance

*Tue 2/8 - Detoxing your Home: A Look at Everyday Products

Early bird price $247 (before 1/15); regular price $347. Sign up HERE.

* Note that the last class is on a Tuesday

Hope you’re able to join – looking forward to ‘seeing’ you!

Be well,
