webinar — Natalie's Nutrition Blog — Natalie Ledesma, MS, RDN, CSO, CLT


Metabolic Detoxification

Metabolic Detoxification

A new year is always a good time to discuss detoxification. And I’m not referring to living on lemon juice and cayenne pepper, but a full system’s reboot -- a detox plan that is well-balanced, healthy, and delicious. And therapeutic in improving your energy, restoring gut function, balancing your hormones, and more. Why? I likely don’t need to really answer that, but after all of 2021’s happenings and the holiday craziness, are you feeling your absolute best?

Microbiome & its Far-Reaching Effects on our Health

Microbiome & its Far-Reaching Effects on our Health

It has become increasingly evident that the gut is essential to our health and well-being. Research regarding the microbiome is booming with new studies published everyday.

Microbiome – a fancy term that means what, exactly? The microbiome consists of all the microorganisms (yes, we have lots of bugs in our system) and their collective genetic material in the human body. It’s composed of the bacteria, viruses, and fungi living in our guts.