
Plums & Prunes - Here's the Scoop!

Plums & Prunes - Here's the Scoop!

We have a tree loaded with plums, so they’ve been on my mind a lot these days. Growing up in the Midwest, I recall enjoying the sweet taste of a plum countered with that slightly sour skin. My brother loved plums!

Plums are in the stone fruit family and rich in various nutrients, particularly vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin K. Vitamin A is helpful for vision, strengthening our immune function, heart, lung, and kidney health. Vitamin C is well-known for its beneficial effects on the immune system. It also plays a significant role in the production of pro-collagen, the body’s precursor to collagen and also increases the absorption of plant-sourced iron. Plums are rich in antioxidants, specifically anthocyanins, a type of polyphenols, that may help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.