sweet potatoes

Fall Recipes - Plant-based, Orange, & Delicious!

Fall Recipes - Plant-based, Orange, & Delicious!

Pumpkin Curry Soup

* Recipe adapted from The Cancer Diet Cookbook: Comforting Recipes for Treatment and Recovery written by Dionne Detraz, RDN

This soup is surprisingly easy to make and quite tasty. I started to write about it, but Dionne sums it up so nicely. Per Dionne, “This comforting soup proves that pumpkins can be so much more than just a star ingredient in your holiday pie. They are an excellent source of vitamin A and carotenoids, and they also provide vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. Like carrots, they contain phytonutrients that support immune system and lower inflammation. The garlic, ginger, and spices also boost immunity, lower inflammation, and provide anticancer nutrients – and they give this soup an incredible flavor.”

Dare I say pumpkin? Orange Vegetables - Health Benefits and Recipes

Dare I say pumpkin? Orange Vegetables - Health Benefits and Recipes

Among the most nutritious are carrots, orange peppers, sweet potatoes, and winter squashes, including pumpkin

These vegetables, exemplified by their vibrant color, are good sources of vitamin C, folic acid and other B vitamins, potassium, fiber, vitamin A, and carotenoids. Due to their fiber content, these vegetables are quite satiating. And the vitamin A is important for healthy skin, nails, and hair.

Orange vegetables are excellent sources of alpha-carotenoids, lutein, and most notably, beta-carotene. Beta-carotene and its family of carotenoids have anticancer functions and strengthen the immune system. Beta-carotene is associated with a reduced risk of breast, ovarian, uterine, cervical, lung, colorectal, and prostate cancer.

Simple and delicious – these vegetables are great oven roasted. Eat these vegetables regularly – if not daily, several times a week. Foods rich in beta-carotene are more easily absorbed when cooked, juiced, or blended. Cooking and processing helps break down their tough cellular walls and make the beta-carotene more available to the body's tissues. To discuss a few...