It’s that time of year for extra immune support. Or, has ‘that time of year for immune health’ now become every day of the year? Colds, flus, COVID-19, I certainly hope to avoid it all.
Nutritional status and immune function are strongly intertwined with one another. Supporting the gut microbiome is essential as our digestive health is responsible for a solid 60%, if not more, of our immune function. To support your microbiome, consume dietary sources of polyphenols, prebiotics, and probiotics.
Polyphenols – green tea, pomegranate, berries, cacao powder
Prebiotics – berries, jicama, mushrooms, leeks, onions, garlic, flax seed, seaweed
Probiotics – sauerkraut, kim chi, tempeh, coconut kefir, kombucha, miso